What are the Benefits of working with Voucher Site Publishers?
How Voucher Publishers add value to your affiliate programme
Within the affiliate channel, there has sometimes been scepticism noted from advertisers surrounding working with voucher site publishers, for a few different reasons. It’s easy to make a quick “yes or no” decision based on previous rumours or misconceptions, however it’s worthwhile evaluating the strengths that working with voucher site publishers can bring to your affiliate programme, particularly if you are new into the affiliate game.
To start, a whopping 94% of potential customers search for coupons and vouchers prior to making a purchase and visiting the retailer site[1], and 96% of consumers have used a voucher code in the past 90 days[2]. This is a clear indicator that coupon and voucher sites often act as an entry point for most of the customers.
The more opportunities your affiliate programme provides, the more opportunity there may be for publishers to promote your site, and utilising vouchers is one of the key ways to achieve this. They attract consumers from such a wide variety of platforms including, Instagram, Facebook, radio, television and much more. This also means that you will be able to gain data regarding the new traffic sources to your site and how well they are working to market your site. This research is useful, as it may mean you will be able to adjust your strategy and approach in the correct way in order to enhance your performance.
Voucher Publishers build your Customer Base
As an advertiser, you should be seeing voucher site publishers as an opportunity to build your customer base, as it may stimulate purchases from customers who otherwise may not have bought from your site, and encourages brand-loyal customers to test out the competition (you!). It’s important to have an understanding of what type of coupons and vouchers your competition are using, as if your coupons don’t match up or provide a competitive discount, you may not receive the results you’re looking for. It’s important to ensure that these new customers continue to shop on your site, which is again where voucher site publishers come in handy. Voucher sites often collect the email address of the consumer for newsletters, which is a huge benefit as it means that a voucher or coupon could be sent to a specific customer/demographic. This voucher may include a special discount for a shopper’s second purchase, or it could be sent to them after say 50 days of inactivity in order to encourage users to revisit your site.
They help to ensure success
The use of voucher site publishers could also be used strategically to ensure success. In many cases, a coupon or voucher is the driving force that will ensure a sale is completed, so it is important that they are used to their full potential. For example, they could be used to encourage faster purchases with the use of time limits. By placing a voucher or coupon on a voucher site and allowing consumers only a certain amount of time to use it, it may create a sense of urgency which therefore encourages them to make the purchase faster in order to use the voucher.
Voucher site publishers can also be very effective at increasing the average order value. This can be done by creating ‘percentage off’ vouchers or coupons that can only be used once the customer’s transaction has reached the minimum order value. It is also important to ensure that this minimum order value is over your current average order value. For example, if your average order value is £50, you may want to offer a voucher or coupon for orders over £100 in order to boost your average order size and the total number of items purchased.
They can help you stand out
Standing out as an advertiser is a key element when it comes to ensuring success, especially as an SME or if you are new to the affiliate game. Working alongside Voucher Site Publishers can help you stand out against a potentially saturated crowd, by ensuring that you’re providing a market-leading discount that holds up against your competitors, and so is more appealing to the consumer.
Becoming a well-known, trusted and loyal brand within consumers will build your reputation into a positive one. This could be done by continuing to provide customers with unique vouchers and coupons that offer them opportunities above those of your competitors. If you are consistent with this, a level of trust may be built between you and the consumer. The more loyal customers that you gain, the better as this could increase your exposure to possible customers and make you stand out against your competitors.
Voucher Site Publishers Continue to Grow
People are always looking to bag a discount and this desire to save money isn’t going away any time soon, meaning the use of coupons and vouchers isn’t either. There are countless benefits towards working with voucher site publishers, and they have the potential to drive large amounts of traffic to your site, increasing brand awareness, and most notably, increasing sales through new and existing customers.
Some of the top Voucher Site Publishers on Affiliate Future include: VoucherCodes.co.uk, MyVoucherCodes, NetVoucherCodes, VoucherCloud (part of the Groupon Reach Network), and VoucherBox, among many others.
If you’d like to get in touch with a member of the Affiliate Future Team, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@affiliatefuture.co.uk
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Affiliate Future