Affiliate Future’s New Tenancy System!

Affiliate Future’s

New Tenancy System!

We are happy to announce that we now have a new tenancy system available in the advertiser and publisher interfaces. 

If you arrange a tenancy placement with a publisher, processing and managing this through the Affiliate Future platform is now much easier.

Setting up Tenancy Placements

Here’s how;

Click through the button above to take you to the Fixed Fee payments tab within your account, and select ‘Tenancy’ – add in the IO number, description (avoid commas if you can), and cost. You can also choose a Start Date in the past.
If you have the tenancy IO, please also upload it here.

After inputting a tenancy, we now have “Scheduled Payment”, “Pending Setup (x)”, “Approved”, and “Completed” tabs.
  • Scheduled Payment = it’s scheduled and the fee hasn’t been applied to the account.
  • Pending Setup = it’s been added to the client’s account, but the start date is later than today, and it hasn’t been setup yet.
  • Approved = it’s been approved, the start date is before today, but the end date is later than today (i.e. – it hasn’t finished running yet).
  • Competed = it’s been completed (finished running).  We are also adding an “Adjustment and Bonuses” tab to make it easier to use.
For scheduled tenancies, click “Setup Creative”:
The table at the top shows the Publisher ID and Name, the IO number, description, cost, start and end date as well as Status (Pending / With Publisher / Need Reply / Approved).
Choose the Communication Details – either the default publisher contact or “Other”. If a contact is setup in the Affiliate Interface Communication Centre for the advertiser, then it will go there, otherwise to the default on the account.  Or, you can choose a different email address(s).  You may want to just put your email address in both boxes so the tenancy can be approved and if you have been communicating outside of the tenancy system.
You can Approve immediately if you wish, or upload the file(s) you want the publisher to use (images, logos, copy documents etc), and include a message then click “Send”.
The publisher will receive an email with the tenancy IO number and also a link to the tenancy.  This link takes them straight to the tenancy in the interface so they can administer, but they cannot get access to the rest of the interface unless they login (to ensure it’s secure);
The publisher uploads the copy / screenshots (etc) and sends it back to the advertiser for approval.  Once again, the advertiser receives an email with the publisher name, IO number and an auto-login link (which won’t give them access to anything else unless they login):
Once this has been approved, the status changes to “Approved” and moves to the new tab. 
The publisher will receive another email:
Publishers can upload screenshots and also any performance reports from their side.
Once the campaign is completed, it will move to the “Completed” tab.  Here, the advertiser can download the IO, and click the magnifying glass to view the screenshots of the creative used.  If start / end dates were included, then they can download an Excel file for the activity – this includes 7 days before the activity and 7 days after, so that the performance can be compared to when campaigns are not running.
We will produce a PDF 7 days after the promotion has finished. This will also be emailed to the Advertiser contact – whichever was selected in the Interface when setting up the activity.
If the publisher included a screenshot of the creative, this will be added to the PDF so the advertiser has a complete performance summary.

An example of this report can be viewed through the button below;
Tenancy Report Example
If you’d like more information on using the Tenancy System, please get in touch with

Many thanks,

The Affiliate Future Team