Network News: New Tracking System for all Advertisers
Dear Affiliate Future Advertisers,
Apple will be updating iPhones, iPads and Macs to a new operating system. This system will include a filter (called ITP 2.0) blocking 3rd party cookies within Safari, but possibly other browsers on Apple. This could mean you will lose 25% of sales through affiliate marketing.
We expect Apple to release the new ITP 2e sure your technical contact is correct within the Advertiser Profile so we can ensure a speedy move to the new system. You can change your details here –
The solution will mean you need to make some changes to the tracking code installed on your site.
- Cookie-less tracking – this is preferable as it removes the need for cookies, but requires some technical knowhow
- First-party Cookie – for those who cannot record/store append parameters, we have a simple upgrade to your current tracking script that will work with ITP 2.0 and other browsers / systems
As of this week, we will begin emailing all technical contacts within the Advertiser Profile with instructions, as well as the administration contact.
If you have any questions in the mean-time, please get in touch with us at:
Kind regards
Affiliate Future Support